Travel and the Corona Virus

So, it’s come to this. I am blogging about the Corona Virus. This is not going to be a blog where I tell you what I think you should do, if I think you should travel or not. It’s basically only going to be a blog where I spew verbal diarrhoea via my keyboard. Of …

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Little Places – Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka

Ahhh yes I know, if you’ve been following this blog this year you’ll already know I loved Nuwara Eliya. The idyllic little Hill Country town in the mountains with rolling hills of green, a lake, and curious old world charm. You might even find yourself near a crackling fire in the evening, something that’s rare …

Continue reading Little Places – Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka

Accommodation Review – Grand Peak Hotel, Ella

A bit of a way from Nuwara Eliya, along a beautiful train ride through the mountains of Sri Lanka’s ‘Hill Country’, is the town of Ella. Once a bit of a secret to the crowds, Ella today is a bustling tourist hub of the foreigner, and the occasional Sri Lankan tourist too. It seemed like …

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