Seoul – Gangnam Style!

G’day all! My last post today on Seoul, detailing the magical Day 21 of my Japan/Korea/Taiwan trip which I returned home from recently. My final day in the Korean capital of Seoul saw me explore the neighbourhood of Gangnam, made famous around 11-12 years ago now by the Korean Rapper ‘PSY’ for his song ‘Gangnam Style’.

It’s a super large part of Seoul, south of the River Han. I made my way down to the district by the efficient Seoul subway system. I got off at the Samseong Station and found myself where I needed to be, in a sort of far corner of Gangnam. And at a place called ‘K-Pop Square’, outside the COEX Artrium/Ktown building.

This building has a connection to the K-Pop industry as does Gangn am. There were some studios inside and a K-Pop shop mostly devoted to merch from the K-Pop stars as well as a few albums (which weren’t the feature of the shop). There was also a K-Pop Café there too, but it was all pretty quiet.

Just along a bit and behind the next building is the stunning Starfield Library, a huge library with glass walls and ceiling and bookshelves the height of a couple of storeys reaching up from the below-ground level. How books are reached on the top shelves I have no idea, and how much it actually functions as a library I don’t know, but it is principally a spot for, you guessed it, a spot for selfies and social media-ing peoples. Which is like, all of us basically, right?

COEX Exhibition Centre is then next door, connected to the shopping centre which is mostly (I think) below ground level. There’s plenty of shopping to do from food to fashion. Oh did I mention? Aside from being the K-Pop District, Gangnam is as the fashion district of Seoul and is known for the K-Pop stars shopping at the all boutiques there?

Back outside I find myself (well, to be fair, by design) at the giant statue of PSY’s hands in the dancing pose he uses during the Gangnam Style video. It’s a popular spot for videos and photos, and people have the tripods out doing the dance. I may or may not have attempted the dance, I am unable to confirm either way.

Further along I reached the Bongeunsa Temple. It was a celebration day, and there were more lanterns everywhere. Beautiful sight and a lot of visitors at the time due to the timing – I was told it was ‘Buddha’s Birthday’. No sign of cake.

It was a bus ride then to K-Star Road. Along this street, with it’s Gucchi and Louis Vuitton stores and the like, are these Gangnam ‘dols’, which are dedicated to the different K-Pop groups with photos of the groups too. It’s popular for people locating the one of their favourite group and…. Getting a photo!

I found myself at the Kia Café on this stretch, a café where you can sit amongst Kia’s latest models, and there were even a couple of vintage Kia cars as well which frankly was much more interesting than looking at the Electric SUVs! Very friendly staff there too!

This is the part of Gangnam known as ‘Apujeoung’, famous for ‘Apujeong Rodeo Street’ which actually I wasn’t so taken with. Because really I wasn’t sure I was in the right place although I must have been. This is a smaller area known for sighting K-Pop stars, lots of funky and upmarket eateries again with loads of boutiques and surgeries doing all types of plastic surgery and skin lightening and the like. I didn’t necessarily feel that everyone in Gangnam had had ‘work done’ but sometimes I did see Korean girls who were much whiter than I am! Korea also has the highest rate of cosmetic surgery in the world.

I checked out the K Museum of Contemporary Art, where there was an exhibition on inspired by the book and film ‘The Great Gatsby’. It was kinda cool and the most expensive thing I did this day. But I did kinda like it.

Finally I headed to Gangnam Train Station, by bus, where there was a K-Pop popup shop for one particular group ‘Ive’ – I’VE never heard of them. And then finally the Samsung Centre which guide books and the internet told me was something to visit. I met a friendly worker there and had a great chat about Korea and the AI functions of latest Samsung phones.


That was my last day of Seoul Exploration. The next day I was starting my journey home. Which will be next week’s post, naturally!! Thanks for popping in! May the Journey Never End!

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