Monies of Senegal

G'day folks. Well - the last country on my Dhaka to Dakar quest was Senegal, and luckily for this one I kept a few notes and a couple of coins for you to check out below. The CFA - exactly what the letters stand for appears to be up for debate but the best approximation …

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Checking Out Saint Louis Senegal and the Langue du Barbarie

G’day folks! Today I’m reviewing my few days in Saint Louis, Senegal, a unique little city partly on a couple of island, and partly (or to be more accurate, mostly) on mainland Senegal. Two long little islands connect to the mainland via the Pont Faidherbe, a bridge featuring in most of the postcards you can …

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What on EARTH is ART VO? Immersive Exhibition in Melbourne!

Folks, Not so long ago I went to a place in Docklands, Melbourne, called 'ArtVo'. I entered the space pretty much ignorant of what 'ArtVo' was, but what I discovered was an 'immersive' experience set up for people to take photos of themselves in front of large, beautiful artwork. What is it 'my kinda place'? …

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Crossing Africa’s Worst Border? Mauritania to Senegal via Rosso

G’day folks! Well, today I am continuing with the ‘Dhaka to Dakar’ tale, and well, we are about to hit the FINAL COUNTRY in this adventure, and that is the West African country of Senegal – capital city? Well, Dakar of course! So, I researched this border crossing quite a bit online, and you know …

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